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Presbyopia Surgery Reviews

Presbyopia / Presbyopia Surgery Reviews

Below are some reviews from patients that have undergone presbyopia surgery at our ophthalmology clinics. Discover their full experience and how their vision was improved after laser surgery the choice of a multifocal intraocular lens adapted to their needs.

Reviews of treatment of presbyopia

Leopoldo O. S.

Leopoldo O. S.

No longer having to rely on my glasses after 30 years of using them is an incredibly pleasant feeling. Particularly the freedom of not having to be dependent on them all the time. Thanks to the intraocular lens, my vision is brighter and I see colours more clearly than before.

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María José M. V.

María José M. V.

Now I can do so many more things without needing my glasses. My quality of life has completely turned around and I couldn’t be happier to have had the surgery.

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Alejandro B. T.

Alejandro B. T.

Even though I had good quality progressive glasses, my eyes would get very tired. Now I can focus on any object, where I wasn’t able to before, such as seeing road traffic signs earlier, for example. In the end, it isn’t just a matter of quality, but also comfort.

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