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Reviews on Refractive Surgery

Refractive surgery / Reviews on Refractive Surgery

Below are some reviews from patients that have undergone surgery at our ophthalmology clinics to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Find out about their experience and the results that were obtained, primarily through our cutting-edge laser eye surgery technology.

Reviews of our laser surgery for myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism

Rocío G. B.

Rocío G. B.

It has opened up a whole world of possibilities to me. I can do everything I did before but with the convenience of not having to wear my glasses or remove my contact lenses because they’re bothering me... I should have done it earlier because the change is enormous.

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Rocio Anglés from Oh My Blog!

Rocio Anglés from Oh My Blog!

This surgery has changed my life. Before I would spend all day thinking about my lenses and getting up every morning searching for my glasses. Now the weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I’m much more relaxed. Life is so much easier now, and if I knew this before I would have done it earlier.

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Luisa P. L.

Luisa P. L.

Now I can drive at night or swim at the beach without worrying about losing my contact lenses.

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María José O. C.

María José O. C.

The experience was great (for surgery). It was fast and the staff that looked after me were lovely, including the nurse who saw that I was nervous so held my hand throughout the procedure... Today, life without glasses or contact lenses is like a miracle.

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Santiago R.

Santiago R.

It has made a great difference to my quality of life and everything I have to deal with on a daily basis.

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Irene F. G.

Irene F. G.

Being able to swim in the pool or go to the beach and see everything perfectly is a luxury. Everyone told me and I now agree, it is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

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Paloma de la Fuente B.

Paloma de la Fuente B.

It’s funny because when they turn on the laser you see some blurry red lights, then it starts to flicker, you don’t feel anything, and when it’s finished you can see the same lights perfectly. The magic came the following morning when I woke up in bed and saw everything incredibly clearly.

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Adolfo Jesús A. M.

Adolfo Jesús A. M.

The best thing is that there is no time limit, like there is with contact lenses. After a few hours they start to irritate your eyes and you’re forced to take them out. Now, however, it’s like you’re wearing them all the time but there is no time limit and your vision is much clearer.

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María Isabel G. L.

María Isabel G. L.

I came to Oftalvist suffering from myopia and I couldn’t wear glasses or contact lenses because they dried out my eyes too much. Now I see perfectly and have no issue with dry eyes. It is the best investment I’ve ever made and I’m the happiest woman in the world without glasses.

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Elsa A.

Elsa A.

It was like a magic spell. I’ve been dependent on glasses and contact lenses for years due to issues with myopia and astigmatism, so I decided to go to Oftalvist and undergo surgery with FemtoLasik technology. Ten days after calling I was already with the surgeon, and in a matter of 17 seconds per eye, the surgery was finished and I left the hospital being able to type on my phone in total clarity.

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Lorena Molinero

Lorena Molinero

The excitement of being able to see is still there. Every morning I wake up and automatically reach out to find my glasses, particularly for the first few days, but then I realise that there’s no need. I no longer need them. It has changed my life significantly and I am very grateful to Oftalvist.

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Reviews of intraocular lens surgery

Alba C.

Alba C.

My quality of life has improved immensely. I now understand what everyone was talking about and if I had known before, I would have done it sooner.

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Ana Margarita P. G.

Ana Margarita P. G.

The first results showed 0 dioptres in the right eye and 0.25 in the left eye, a huge success considering the high number of dioptres I had before. Now I am 100% independent, not to mention I see much better now than I did with my glasses or contact lenses. I wonder if people without myopia have always seen like this.

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María P.

María P.

Just the fact that I can see from morning to night without depending on glasses and contact lenses, and can see perfectly all day long, for me that's what life is about.

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