Paciente internacional - Clínica Oftalvist X

Opinions of Retina Patients

Retina / Opinions of Retina Patients

This is how patients who have already gone through our specialized retina consultations see us, where our retinologists have proposed different treatments to improve their visual quality. Either through anti-angiogenic therapy or through surgery such as vitrectomy.

Reviews on the treatment of retinal diseases

José Vicente C. S.

José Vicente C. S.

I have recovered 100% of my vision. Now I can do everything without glasses and without seeing black spots or blurry objects or shapes.

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Mª Pilar T.

Mª Pilar T.

My left eye managed to recover 100% of its vision during the first 6 years since I started treatment. Now I have lost a little due to incipient cataracts but even so I have approximately 85% vision, enough to lead a totally normal life.

Full interview

Salvador H. C.

Salvador H. C.

The first hours were critical, the loss of vision was taking place at times. Now, I have recovered the vision of my right eye, with a visual acuity of more than 70%.

Full interview